The Locals Card

Enjoy the perks of being our valued neighbor with exclusive discounts at our restaurants, bars and beyond.

Our community means the world to us, so in the spirit of being good neighbors we invite you to receive a Locals Card - our local loyalty club that offers special perks at our restaurants and bars.

You will receive a 15% discount across Restaurant Jansz., Pulitzer Garden, Pulitzer's Bar, The Beauty House, Celia Amsterdam, Café Celia and Super Lyan. Additionally, you'll be the first to know about our upcoming events, new menus, special offers and other exciting updates.

Sign up here

Your address that you submit (business or residential) needs to be local (Amsterdam municipality). You can expect to receive your Locals Card via postal mail within the next two weeks. By using the Card, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms and Conditions